Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Durarara!! X2 Ketsu Comments : Episode 5

Hello guys ! The episode 5 review is right here ! Hope you have fun reading it 'cause this is a big one !

Let's start with KASANE KISSING SHINRA!! WHAAAAT THE FUUUCK !! Who do you think you are, bitch ?!?!?! And why on earth is Celty just watching ??!! It totally drove me crazy !! Someone is kissing your boyfriend (and cutting him) right in front of you !!! A whole mess is set up. Celty becomes a black mass, that Kasane bitch runs away with Shinra on her arms (!!!) and Celty goes berserk mode and destroys half her house in order to rescue her boyfriend from that att whore ! Nevertheless, it's important to highlight Walker's reaction. That was just hilarious xD !

Thank god, Shizuo shows up to settle things (and me) down ! Some stupid kids start teasing him about his bartender clothes (c'mon, it's fashion !). Then, one kid kicks him and, as a response, the blonde (and gorgeous) man calmly throws the kid and his bike midair. While the bike falls and breaks, he grabs the little boy before he colides with the ground (he shoulda let him die). In the end, the kids run away and Shizuo has to go home with a broken bike on his shoulder. Shizuo is always involved in some funny stuff and that's why I love him so much !

And it only gets better ! Varona seems very confused about what she was doing (like exploding police cars and helping on Shinra's kidnapping). The most important, though, is that she seems to regret it because her 'normal-life days' may never return as a result of what she is doing in the moment. Plus, I totally saw an affection towards Shizuo and absolutely LOVED IT ! She was still in doubt of what were her true feelings but I ship'em hard, so, hopefully, she realizes she loves him and they become a couple in the near future!

Forward, Izumii kicks Kida's ass but fortunately Rocchi saves the day ! Maybe falling to the ground did good to him ! He even jumps from the building to a spotlight and then a truck wow !

Finishing it up, Celty's horse finds Shizuo and asks for his help. It ends up taking the broken bike Shizuo had and making it darker and suuuuper cooler, so Shizuo rides it in order to help Celty ! Oh, and Saki is waiting for Anri in front of her house for some reason. Such a stalker, geez ...

This episode was the best so far for me ! It had insane things going on and even some ship development, so I'll call it a day for now ! Hope you had a nice time ! See ya !

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