Monday, March 28, 2016

Anime Review: Introduction and Criteria Explanation

What's up people ? How you doing ? So, since I'll be posting some anime reviews soon, I think I have to explain my evaluation criteria to make it clearer to you ! Here they are !


It is the main idea of the anime. Everything should colaborate to its beggining, development and conclusion. For me, it is one of the most important contents and, in a general way, it is what I care most about the anime.


I would say they are the means by which you create and evolve your story. Undoubtedly, their relevance is big, but, for me, they aren't heavy factors in my rates. Nevertheless, I have to admit that some anime are worth it only because theirs characters are interesting (funny, cute, gorgeous ...).

Song Themes:

Yeah, I know it is kinda weird but the opening and ending of an anime is, sometimes, the only reason to watch it, hence I always consider this as a supportive aspect. For this reason, the themes aren't a key factor but may come in handy in drawing your attention, specially in the early stages. 
*Sometimes, I will also consider the OST in this category, but if I do it, I'll mention it here and, also, the OST will grat some bonus points instead of being used to make a mean.


Another 'secondary' factor. It is most important to make you grow some interest to watch the anime before actually doing it, like on trailers and teasers. For me it's almost irrelevant (unless it's horrible), so it is just some bonus.  


Commonly, it defines wheter you'll watch the anime or not. It is sort of an ignition that makes you very excited about it and looking forward to it. I don't despise it, but for me (who watch even the shittiest stuff ever) it is not the most important thing ever.


The way the anime (and the story, often) develops. I use the middle part of the anime to rate this aspect, basically. After many 'not that relevant' criteria, this is one I look forward to. The evolution means a lot to me, probably because its performance is usually involved directly to the story progress, one of my favorite parts. 


The last but DEFINITELY not least. This is, together with the story and the evolution, the most important aspect I wish to see in an anime. I am very rigorous about it, for example I hate cliché endings, I prefer something more unexpected and sad rather than a happy ever after finale. Despite how much I care about it, I have to admit that it is rare for me to watch an anime ending that I really like, so, in response, I can't and don't take this aspect completely serious to judge an anime overall, otherwise I would consider 95% of them horrible :/ . Still, extremely shitty endings change the way I see and judge an anime a lot.

Final Comments:

This section is used to add some comments that I don't think would fit anywhere else. Also, I will often give my 'heart' rating, the grade that was not obtained by the mean of all the criteria above. Plus, I will write here my opinion regarding the anime, what were the top and bottom things and say whatever shit I want to.

That's it for my introduction post before my upcoming reviews ! Hope you liked it and understood (if it's even possible) how I evaluate an anime ! See you soon ! 

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