Monday, July 4, 2016

ChäoS;HEAd - Anime and Manga Review

Hello there ! So, today I'm bringing something a little different. I'll comment both the anime and the manga for ChäoS;HEAd, also comparing them to make it interesting ( I hope ). I've watched the anime a couple of years ago and I've recently read the manga. Anyway, I hope you like it !

Let's start with the most important thing, TAKUMI ! First of all, the difference between his appearence. In the manga he looks sooooo cuuuute !!! It made me very happy and it was indeed one reason for me to read the whole thing ( yes, he looked that cute ). On the other hand, even though in the anime he isn't that appealing, I absolutely love his style. He seems very disturbed, how he should actually look. The bags under his eyes are perfect details for me, too. So, overall, I like him in both versions, despite the divergences in appearence. Apart from that, there is no big change into any other of his characteristics, so no need to say it. Okay, so now I should talk about him, I think ( I'm dizy with this comparison + review format, sorry ). I love him, fuck. I don't like his personality at all, but what makes me love this sunofabeach so much is that he is completely disturbed. The guy is a nutjob ! It's just funny, you know. He is 95% of the anime and manga just walking around ( or locked at home ) disturbed and screaming like an idiot. Ah, I love that ! Whenever I think about ChäoS;HEAd, the thing that always comes first is Taku, so he is definitely a reference for this work. To finish my praising onto him, I'll say that his voice is absolutely the best ever ( for disturbed characters or the ones who like screaming ) !!!

Jumping to the other characters, they're not that special. Basically, they're all nuts too, not at Takumi's level, but still nuts. I'd say that the Phantasm singer is the coolest cause she is very random and she is crazy in a very unique way, comparing to the others. The characters don't differ much from the manga to the anime, except for Kozu-pii, who is shy as hell in the anime and a psychopath who loves some bloodbath in the manga. Apart from Taku, the characters aren't any interesting for the anime/manga.

Now, the story. Let's start with the phases and then the overall, ok ? The beggining is pretty decent, actually. It is shocking that it already starts with a death, a great thing to draw your attention to it. The evaluation is also decent, the story gets a little bit better explained, Taku gets crazier and crazier and an apex is almost reached. The bigger difference of the manga is that it is a little bit freer, I think. Mainly, because they cut ****... (spoiler omitted). Also, in the manga they explore a lot more of Taku's relation with Rimi.

The ending deserves a paragraph apart. Or not, but I'll do it anyway. Just when it seems that the apex is going to be awesome, they fail. In the anime, the final battle is nothing special at all and also they end with what seemed like a forced date between Taku and Rimi. As I said, in the anime they don't develop that great affection, so for me it was really bad. In the manga, I was expecting a lot more. For me, the story was a little better in the manga, so I thought that this small difference would continue to the end. Instead, they managed to make it even worse than they did the anime. The fucking battle is not a battle at all. It's just some images of Taku regenerating and then, when they're supposed to have a fight, it simply cuts to another scene and the battle is over. wtf, seriously. I admit I had high expectations when I watched the anime, I had many ideas of what could happen but they delivered a very bad and disappointing ending, in the anime and in the manga as well. I wanted to play the game version of the series, but after reading the manga, I'm not that sure. I wouldn't like to go through the same bad thing three times :/ .

I think that this is the time for the final comments ? idk these style still confuses me. Whatever. Hmm, I do think that ChäoS;HEAd story is great. I love the atmosphere of ilusion, the paranoia and the way everything seems to be conspiring against Takumi. It's a very good idea, but it was badly explored. Also, the ending is a critical point. Although a decent ending wouldn't make up for all of the rest, it would make it at least a little bit better. So, just to finish it up, why not mention the song themes for the anime ?! I know this review is very disorganized, but gimme a break this time, please ! c: Anyway, the opening is pretty cool ( even though I didn't quite care for it when I was watching it at first ) and the ending ... ah, the ending. It was the best thing of the anime after Taku, of course ! I love the song, but its my duty to mention that it does not fit that well to the anime gender, haha. It's a pleasuring surprise.

Now that I've said all these things, I shall take my leave. Thank you for the attention and see you next time ! Adieu !

Monday, June 20, 2016

Boogiepop Phantom - Anime Review

Hello ! Today I'm reviewing Boogiepop Phantom ! Let's go !

Story: 4.5

First of all, the anime is completely NUTS. In my point of view, that's actually very positive. Also, the episodes explore the mind of characters whose personalities are rather unique (like a stalker, a guy that wants to destroy everything useless (takumi's voice <3 a="" are="" b="" boy="" breasts="" bugs="" course="" eating="" er...="" he="" just="" likes="" located="" nbsp="" of="" on="" s="" style="background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 0px; color: #222222; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18.98px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;" that="" the="" top="" wants="" women="">( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and so on and so forth). I like seeing things from different points of view and I love watching unusual (or demented, if you prefer) profiles, emotions and thoughts, so that's why I liked it. I admit that these stange things made me get excited about this anime, and I believed it would be a great one. It wasn't, though. Unfortunately. I saw its potential, but it wasn't explored properly. In my opinion, it would be almost perfect if they made a connection between all the incidents that was clear and clever. Something unexpected, you know what I mean? Like a huge net between all these crazy side-stories that would make me be a monkey's uncle, but ... instead, they just chose to keep being non-sense until the very end. That was the biggest flaw. I don't give a damn about the randomness of this anime, but they HAD to give it an answer that was concise, at least. Anyways, I admit that I liked the story a little. It is definitely an original work, but tt just lacks so much a cohesion. This absence would make an insane anime, but instead it became bad. :/

Characters: 5.0

They ARE unique. Yet, the only character that I'd consider a main one is Kirima Nagi, who is sorta cool but isn't that much present in the anime. The Boogiepop Phantom also shows up a little more than the others, so I can consider her a main character too, but is still so little time ! I wanted to have watched more of her and Nagi, idk. The others are basically secondary so, even though they can be interesting, they take like one or two episodes and then disappear. I think that, for this reason, their relativeness became less then it should or could be, even though they are decent.

Song Themes: 7.5

I love the opening theme ! It's so calm and grrovy and just makes you feel completely comfortable. It may have been the thing I looked forward too most from every episode haha ! The ending is kinda good. It's weird, but it seems like it has the same style of the anime, something dark and disturbing. I am sure this is the best grade this anime will get, which is something bad, I must say.

Design: 6.0

We're talking about an anime from 2000. I don't think it's fair to say it's bad considering its age. The characters aren't that pretty (actually, some are very ugly xD) but still, there was nothing in the anime that was bad because of the desing, so I can say it's a decent one.

Beggining: 5.5

It starts with a small intro, which is good, even though it doesn't make clear what is actually going on (and I still don't know that, so we're fine). Since each episode has basically an independent story, it is not an anime that needs an order that much. Also, for this reason, Boogiepop Phantom doesn't rely too much on the whole story, but rather on each chapter. The starting episodes are kinda interesting, but still, the connection between them could be a little bit bigger.

Evolution: 6.5

As mentioned before, the lack of order sort of eliminates the need to make an evolution. Nevertheless, it does start developing the story and it caught my attention. They were getting closer and closer to a climax. This was probably the best moment of the anime, where things were sort of connecting. Also, something I liked was that the later episodes had some 'answers' for things that happened on previous ones, that was cool.

Ending: 2.0

Yeah, a very bad ending. I already said it, but I'll repeat it. They had to make a great, smart and concrete reason that would explain everything and astonish everyone. Instead, they kept the abstract style of the anime, which dissapointed me heavily. I was expecting a lot from the ending, but it failed me :/ . I think the ending was sort of very random and didn't explain things properly, but what lowered the grade was my deception. I was really looking forward to it and it was nothing special.

Average: 3.5

The actual averages were:

All aspects average: 5.3
Average without Design and Song Themes: 4.7 
For me, though, the ending was a key factor to Boogiepop Phantom. I was very disappointed with it. So, considering the fact that the ending is probably the aspect I care most about an anime, I had to decrease it to a grade that I actually feel like it should have. I would totally give at least an 8, maybe a 9 (or even more) if the final part was conclusive and concrete, I'd say. but unfortunately they kept the nonsense that the whole anime had to explain it, which was something I disliked a lot. 

Final Comments:

I feel absolutely sad to say I didn't like the anime after all. I was so hyped with its style, but, yet again, I missed an ending that would be sensate and clever, something that would blow me mind. I'm afraid I can't say I enjoyed Boogiepop Phantom that much, even though I would love to be able to say such thing. But things like this happen, Also, this is just my opinion on it. You may like it more than I did or dislike it much more than me. Final words: it did disappoint me, but I still liked the style; I loved the originality it has and the focus on disturbed minds, the only problem was a bad reason for all the events, but it's fine ! I'll call it a little worth it !

This is my review on Boogiepop Phantom. I think it was the first 'badly' rated review, but there will be more of these soon ! I don't know if that's good or not, tho :/. I hope I didn't offend anyone with this and hope to see you next time !  For now, I have to go, so bye ! 

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar - Anime Review

Hi everyone ! Today I'll review Hai to Gensou no Grimgar, the last anime I've seen ! Let's go !

Story: 7.5

Actually, I wouldn't say it's a great story, but for one main reason (that I'll mention), I just HAVE to give it a good grade.

First, the flaws. The story is very plain, there's no big deal about it at all. It's relatively small. For example, Grimgar seems to be a huge world, but they only explore three places, the village, the ruined goblin city and the old mine, which might show a lack of effort (?). Furthermore, there is no complexity in it. I'd say it is very linear. At last, they clearly came from a different world but they didn't even mention a little ! I know they lost their memories, but for me the plot had to be around this. They could build up a great mystery that would completely add a lot to the simplicity of this anime. I don't know if they intend to make a second season, exploring or not this factor, but I think it should be the main goal for an upcoming season.

Now, we have the good aspect. The most important, I'd say, is the nostalgia. Manato's death changed the whole anime, that started sort of cheerful but then became very melancholic. This was so important for me that I would almost forget the flaws. Seriously. Like, the fact that even though they would have happy times, they would always end up remembering the friend they all lost. I don't know how to describe at all, but it meant a lot to me because it wasn't something useless. Their journey only got useful because Manato's death changed everything, otherwise, it would be a common happy-ever-after anime. I gave a lot of emphasys on it, sorry for that :/ . I couldn't help, I love when there is a lesson or something 'deep' that makes you think behind an anime, so that's the one for Hai to Gensou. At last, I also recongnize that the guild style was really cool. Every character had a different function was entertaining and also diversifying. And, a little action/adventure is fun once in a while.

Characters: 8.0

Pretty good. As I mentioned, the different roles helped a lot, not only with the story but also with the characters. Plus, everyone has a distinct profile, making it a lot funnier and way more interesting.

Ranta is, by far, the (second) greatest character (also, he's got a great voice actor xD (takumi is the best !!!!)). He's annoying, nuts and a lot more, but he is the main reason for the funny moments in the show, so he deserves some credit !

Manato was sort of cool and kind and he was the responsible for a lot of weeping, so he did a great job (hehe) ! Moguzo is shy and doesn't draw much attention at all. Shihoru is similar to Mogzo, but she is explored a little bit more. She is still not thaaat relevant, but she nice with her spells and stuff.

I absolutely loved Yume's design and her personality is also great. I like her spontaneous, happy and dumb personality. Plus, she is also gorgeous. Then, we have Mary. She is a tsundere and, in the beggining, she was really boring. A few episodes later (2 or 3) she actually became very kind and cute, thank god ! It is also important to mention that her past also helps bringing the nostalgia to the anime, something great, isn't it ?

Finally, let's move to Haruhiro ! Well, ... he is decent. He is the common main character that doesn't have that impactful type but, on the other hand, I wouldn't say he is boring or annoying at all. It's difficult to describe it, but I'd say I like him a little more than I hate him, that's it !

HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER !!! At last but not least, we have ZODIACO, the BEST character of this anime! I don't know why his debut was on the last episode of the fucking anime, seriously, WHY DID YOU DO THIS???!!! God, he is sooooo funny xD ! He just keeps telling Ranta to die (what everyone else wants to say, right?) and laughs all the time ! By the way, his voice is absolutely great and his laughter is so funny too ! Oh my, he is just the best ! Oh, and it is cute too (only now I realized 'it' would fit better than 'he'). It truly made me upset because they didn't make him show up before. Well, I guess at least they pleasured me with his presence !

Song Themes: 9.0

I didn't expect to hear such great songs. They we're excellent, for my happy surprise. The beggining is groovy and the ending has a melancholic style that fits the anime perfectly. Also, the design of the themes, even though is very simple, specially the 2nd opening and the endnings (or I should rather 'except the 1st opening, that is slightly more complex', whatever) and I loved it !

Design: 9.5

My goodness, this is a very important part of this anime. I don't know how to describe it precisely, but the envinronment style helps a lot the melancholia, giving a great experience ! Even though it has kind of a simplicity, the colors and the lighting brings it to a whole new level. Absolutely gorgeous ! I completely loved this part and, even though I almost never thinks it interferes, the design on Hai to Gensou definately made me feel great and added a LOT after all !

Beggining: 6.0

Did not impress me, but was still good. The action in the beggining is a little entertaining and the fact that they were all begginers and were learning how to live there gives an interesting introduction. It's like I was learning the anime just like the characters were.

Evolution: 8.5

Manato's death is definitely a milestone ( yes, I am considering this the beggining of the 'evolution part'). It changes everything, basically. Even though it was sad in the moment, it was responsible for great things in the anime, like the sorrow that would haunt them every now and then. Plus, it was also responsible for bringing Mary to the plot, who added a lot too with her guilt and nostalgic feelings..

Ending: 7.0

The ending, too, is not that special.There is the adventure in the mines and stuff. Probably, the coolest part was Mary and the others defeating her old partners, cause it was a little sentimental too. Idk. Then, they almost let Ranta die, Zodiac showed up (that was the best part of the ending hehe), and they defeat Death Spots, but I don't care about it at all. An usual happy ending, so nothing much to say about it, except that I don't like them. Uh, there was also the Manato conversation, that, as always, was sad and comfortable at the same time, and nostalgic too. To settle it up, the ending kept the happy tone together with the melancholia that I adored from this anime, with the 'see you tomorrow' thing.

Average: 8.0

So the actual number was 7.93 and even though I don't often consider the themes and the design in the average, disconsidering them would give a 7.4, and I think that 8 is a very precise grade. Also, I have to mention that these aspects were extremely relevant for Hai to Gensou, obviously being the design the most important of those two. For me, 8.0 is fair and sqaure, so the math this time was rather precise for me.

Final Comments:

So, my final regards aren't long. I enjoyed a lot watching Hai to Gensou no Grimgar. As I highlighted a lot, the nostalgia that Manato's death caused was my favorite thing about the anime, keeping that mood thoughout the whole anime. Plus, I'm a little suspicious because I love Takumi's voice but Ranta was soo funny that made it even more worth it ! Zodiaco, despite showing up just a little, also made me way happier haha ! No big comments, as I've said. The ending wasn't the best (actually, I didn't quite like it), neither was the beggining, but the evolution was pretty good. The story had some mistakes that kinda annoyed me, but the characters were very decent and the style, the mood of the anime was absolutely great. If you like some action but, mainly, some sentimentalism, I guess you're gonna like it !

That's all folks ! Hope you had a nice time ! See you soon, bye !

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Rokka no Yuusha - Anime Review

Hi ! Today I'll be reviewing Rokka no Yuusha, an anime I've watched recently ! Enjoy !

Story: 8.5

It looked like an adventure/action anime, before I started watching and also at its beginning. As it advanced, though, it became a detective-like series. For me, it was a great surprise, since I prefer these mysterious shows over action ones. The riddle of the Seventh Brave is really interesting and the story flows so naturally that, for me, time passed in a blink of an eye. In the middle of the anime, though, I admit I started feeling bad. The reason was that I didn't see it had any continuation before I started watching, so I assumed it only had 12 episodes and then The End. Hence, I was mislead into thinking that, because the puzzle was taking so long, they would focus on it and then finish with a shitty battle against the big boss, just to say they didn't forget the 'main' purpose of the story. Nevertheless, it was great and it seems there's going to be a second season that I'm looking forward to seeing a whole lot! I loved the plot, as you must have noticed. They were able to add some action into the mystery and also some sentimentalism with Fremy's dilemma. I kinda like the evolution of her feelings towards Adlet. This anime has some variety regarding its themes. Oh, I also have to mention that the unexpected 'villain' was awesome. It avoids the common, so it's great ! A plot twist is always nice once in a while !

Characters: 9

For me, that's another great point of Rokka no Yuusha. Fremy is really gorgeous (her design is just fabulous!)  and cute, sorta badass cause she killed some punks but also very fragile sentimentally. She is the responsible for the feelings exploration in this anime, I think. For example, her relationship with Adlet constantly changes, until the point where she doesn't want to kill him anymore (here's the sad part). She's a little tsundere, but she has yet to show more of her sweet side, I'd say. We also have Hans and his nyanbelievable catness and cuteness ! He is so funny and he is also smart, strong and a son of a bitch, specially when trying to fuck Adlet up hahaha! Ah, I loved that. At last but not least, he has a cat tail. Yeah, that's great xD ! Chamo is a little interesting too, even though I don't quite like her, she's kinda entertaining, idk. And, at last, Adlet, aka The Strongest Man in The World (fuck, he's so annoying with this shit). I still don't know if I like him or dislike him most. He reminds me of Naruto's cockiness and annoyingness but he is a little smart, either with his unique weapons or when he was thinking properly to discover who was the Seventh Brave. Oh, when he said he loved Fremy I thought it was a joke. Seriously, wtf. The only conclusion I could get to is that he loves being almost killed by her. Anyways, what is most important about it all is that these characters and also the others are very different and have specific personalities. That's what enhances the work overall.

Song Themes: 7.5

There are so many openings and endings that it's hard to tell. There was maybe one song that I liked a little more and the others are good. So, I think 7.5 is a fair grade.

Design: 9.0

Not only the characters design, but also the scenario. Great. One of the best ones I've ever seen.

Beggining: 7.5

It started pretty decent. Enough content, not too excessive in exploring the characters, which is sort of good but it was probably because of the Seventh Brave issue (still good, though). It had some action and it also added sufficient information for further reference. I'd say it was a very balanced start, and it only gets better latter on.

Evolution: 9.0

The evolution is great. It's when things get pretty complicated to Adlet that the true form of Rokka no Yuusha blooms. The battle for surviving improves every instant. Because Adlet is helplessly trying to find the truth and going through a lot of trouble. From this point on, the anime became so intense that time was moving really fast. I totally got into it !

Ending: 9.0

Just keeping the same level, the ending was great. It hold onto the intensity until the very end. The Seventh Brave riddle was solved and I liked how the least expected one was the fake. It's perfect to avoid the cliché and, definitely, this anime was able to do it ! Not only with the different style it chose, but also from the villain, the decisions that were made. Everything was great and uncommon. I would say that the ending and the evolution are sort of one part instead of two because they're very connected to each other and that was truly pleasent for me. In the end, they brought another Brave to make a Seventh showdown again, but only for the incoming season. I hope there is a second season, at least, and I hope they're able to make it even better !

Average: 9.0

An impressive 8.5 considering all the aspects I evalue. That's pretty rare. Though, I'd disconsider the ost, as I often do, and the beggining. For me, the starting part  of any anime is not very relevant and, even though this one specifically isn't bad, but considering the grade the other aspects had, I think this aspect is bringing the average a little downer than it should be. Therefore, excluding these parts, the average just got to a 8.9, but since this anime was extremely enjoyable (and to make things simpler), I'm making it a flat 9.

Final Comments:

For my final regards, I'd like to repeat that this anime was excellent. I probably liked it most because it surpassed my expectations. In fact, I didn't have any, but it just proved to me that Rokka no Yuusha is absolutely worth watching ! It's something that avoids the usual things you see and it's very original and different. I totally recommend it, specially for people that like some puzzles or riddles. I loved it and I hope there is a second season for me to watch and, of course, for me to review it, as well !

That's it for today, bodies ! Hope you enjoyed it and have a nice life !  (and a nice day, of course !) 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Akikan ! - Anime Review

Hi everyone ! So, today I'm reviewing Akikan ! Hope you enjoy !

Story: 5.5

So, hm, err... it's about steel and aluminum cans fighting to prove which can is the best, hence Japan gets to know what type of can is the best to be produced... Yeah, weird as hell. But seriously, this is not the problem. The actual problem is that the story is not deep nor is it explored. Maybe it is because their focus is the ecchi or the comedy, not the story. Anyways, it's somewhat a decent idea, but, just as I said, they didn't work properly on it.

Characters: 8.5

Okay, so this is the best part of the anime, without any doubt. Almost all the characters play a very important role in the anime. Daichi is just insanely funny (AND HE'S GOT SHINRA'S VOICE), Yell's naiveness is funny (plus her cat behavior xD), Kochikaze is a fucking WITCH and also loves throwing cards at Kakeru, Airin-kun (Kizaki desu!) and Otoya are also enjoyable to watch and at last but not least we have Amaji Gorou, aka Gigolo ! He is probably the second best character (loses to Daichi because of Shinra's voice hehe), I love how he is completely ignored, how he gets screwed all the time and he's also sort of cute trying to tell Kochikaze he likes her. These guys just make the anime sort of worth it !

Song Themes: 4.7

Okay, the first opening is ok, I give it a 5. The second one, though, is pretty good, kinda happier, so I give it a 7. The endings, on the other hand, are very annoying. The songs are not that bad but that childish voice, I just can't stand it ! Therefore, a 2 should be more than a fair grade for the ending themes. I'm also being (very) kind and making this average as the sum of these and dividing them by three, instead of making an average of the op and then a another average. 

Design: 6.5

Decent all around. Nothing special yet nothing that bad.

Beggining: 6.0

So, since it's not a story-oriented anime, I'm considering basically the funniness (don't know if that's a real word but wtvr). The start is not that slow, but not that quick as well. I think it's decent, considering it depens 'only' on the comedy of the show.

Evolution: 6.5

Again, the story evolution is very light. What evolves more is the connection or the liking towards the characters, so, since it grows a little, I think so should the grade.

Ending: 7.0

Pretty much the same with the Evolution section. I thought the last two episodes would go a little emotional, you know. I really hoped so. But then they say that the badass akikan's owner is a fucking cat. C'mon ... Anyways, they kept their 'comedy promess' to this anime until the very end. It was still fun, so whatever. 

Average: 7.0

Considering the themes, it's a 6.4. Disconsidering it, it's a 6.7, so it's still fine. For me though, it deserves a 7 for it's really funny after all.

Final Comments:

So, the ecchi style is not my favorite one and this anime focus a little on it, so it's kinda bad. Plus, as I've mentioned, the story is not explored decently. Nevertheless, the comedy is very entertaining and, since it's a 12 episode anime, it's enough to cover the story and ecchi problems. Maybe if it was a 24 ep one, it wouldn't be that worth it, but maybe not, cause it was really funny to watch it! haha I surely liked it much more because the main character is dubbed by the same voice actor as Shinra xDD and also cause he's very lively, so I was able to hear Shinra's voice in tons of different situations xD ! Summing up, it was very enjoyable for me, but I wouldn' t recomend it that much, unless you like ecchi's, Shinra's voice and/or comedy animes.

Oh, I forgot to mention the most important ! I was wondering what anime I could watch, being one that I wasn't planning to, so I just wnet for a random anime generator website and got this anime. LMAO I would not watch it cause it was eechi and looked very forced (and it is) but after I saw that Shinra was the main character I decided to give it a try ! Also, it made me learn that he also voices Libertà, from Arcana Famiglia, so I have to thank Akikan for some info too.

That's it for today ! Have a nice time and see you another time ! Bye !

Monday, May 9, 2016

Another - Anime Review

Hello guys ! Today I'm reviewing Another ! Hope you like it and let's go:

Story: 9.0

Very interesting, well-developed and, definitely, the key factor for this anime. Even though it's just twelve-episode long, they were able to not only give an evolution to the story but also completely finish it without leaving a single part untold or poorly explained. Only this achievement would make the whole anime worth it  but there is still a lot more to add up and grant a very enjoyable experience. 

Now, talking about the plot itself, I just loved it. The idea of having a curse that can kill a class students or their relatives is really interesting and the fact that it forced the creation of a  'tactic' responsible for such a mean and selfish attitude, ignoring the existence of one student scored many points in my book ! Plus, it somewhat gives an air of loneliness, melancholy and distance between the characters that I absolutely adored, increasing the mood for a horror anime.

Characters: 6.5

Considering the number of characters that play sort of an important role, the only personalities deeply explored are Sakakibara's and Mei's. This could propably be pointed as a flaw. However, I perfectly understand it and also agree with this choice. Focusing on the most distinct ones, the solitude and depressiveness excel and highlight the selected style. To finish it up, even though I don't love these two, I really like their style and the way they think.  

Song Themes: 3.3

The worst rating for Another. I understand that since it's the horror genre, a creepy theme would be appropriate, still the opening just sounds really bad to me. It's sort of out of sync, I don't know. I just didn't like at all. The ending, on the other hand, is acceptably bad. I like the nostalgic tone and, for me, it connects with the story, yet it's not that good. Nevertheless, since the anime is excellent, these poor results are rather irrelevant. 

*The 3.3 was the result from the average of the op and ed grades, 2 and 4.6, respectively.

Design: 8.0

No need to make it a long description, the design is good. Also, the coloring is pretty good and fits well.

Beggining: 8.5

The start is just insane ! The umbrella scene just made me realize the shit would go real ! Jokes apart, the initial episodes of Another are very interesting, explaining enough of the story for you to grow interested in it.

Evolution: 9.0

Overall, Another is pretty balanced. All the parts are decent and the constant deaths don't let you down. Considering that they also work gradually on the story development while still being able to make each episode interesting on its own is surprinsingly great. Plus, the mood between the students grows worse until the very end, something that only adds quality to the show, specially because its a horror one. Also, the deaths get fucking creepier, aka the boat tearing a boy apart.

Ending: 9.5

That's another (I seriously didn't try to joke here) great pillar (neither here xD) for Another. The final episodes are absolutely great and the horror sensation gets to a climax ! The tension is just huge and you can barelly wait for how things will turn out. It's just so good that it even surprises me and I have to say that the 'horror' theme must be proud of these guys 'cause they really made it thrilling. The few final minutes, though, are sort of less intense. Ok, I perfectly understand it, they wanted to finish the anime soothly, I just wanted to mention it, idk why. 

Note: I really didn't think of this scene when I wrote 'pillar' up there, but, since I wrote it .... hehehehe

Average: 8.4

So, the average is actually 7.7 because the ost definitely dragged it down, so, making the average without considering it got to a 8.4, a grade that for me is very worthy for the anime. Maybe it's a little lower than what it deserves, but for me that value is fair.

Final Comments:

The first REAL horror anime I've ever seen, that one you get really scared and excited about. I LOVED the story and the horror content and must praise whoever did it 'cause it rules. I feel very happy to say that this work outstands not only as a horror anime but presenting a great story and also completely exploring, explaining and comcluding its story, something as rare as a shiny pokémon nowadays, and they also worked it out greatly ! I would totally recommend people to watch it if they want to check an anime the closest possible to what a common horror movie would be like. 

So, that's it for today guys ! I'll be coming with moore review soon or ate least I'll try ! See ya'll soon !

Thursday, March 31, 2016

El Cazador de la Bruja - Anime Review

Hello everyone ! Here I am with the review of the anime El Cazador de la Bruja. Here we go !

Story: 6.5

The idea for the plot is very interesting and I truly liked it. The problem, though, is the execution. Because of a weak approach and disorganized division of the story development, it becomes somewhat like a roller coaster, showing some episode sequences exploring a lot and right after a hiatus that brings a feeling that something is missing. Hence, the result is sort of average.

Characters: 8.0

The greatest pillar, I'd say. The anime is focused on developing and exploring interactions between the characters, mainly Ellis and Nadie (of course). The friendship built up and its cuteness are the key factor, as well as some conflicts that, eventually, take place. For me, that was the biggest reason to keep watching the anime.

Song Themes: 8.5

The opening is great ! Happy, good melody and vocals, definately worth it ! The ending, on the other hand, is good but still less interesting than the opening, I should say. Concluding, the themes overall is rather good. Additionaly, since I paid some attention to the ost , I added some more points (0.5, if you're that curious!) to the score. After all, the soundtrack is great and I enjoyed it a lot !

Design: 7.0

Not that gorgeous but definitely not bad at all, for sure. I consider it good enough for the anime. For instance, it was harmful for no scene. It's also important to highlight that El Cazador was produced in 2007. So, for an 'old' anime, the graphics are actually pretty decent and the characters desing is nice. (Plus, Ellis, Nadie and Lirio are very cute !)

Beggining: 4.5

That's a very slow-start anime. The beggining is used to show the personalities of the characters and start building a relation between Nadie and Ellis. In other words, it's boring. I think the main reason for this is that the story is almost unexplored in these initial phases, leaving only two more options to keep the audience captivated: the characters interaction, that doesn't help much considering you don't even know them yet; and the funny parts (thank god they exist!).  The comedy scenes are, basically, the only thing that draws attention, at least in these early moments.

Evolution: 6.5

The middle part is somewhat better than the slow-paced start, but still lacks something. Thankfully, by now Ellis and Nadie's friendship is good and the story is sligthly developed, making it more interesting. The episodes are way more enjoyable to watch, but there is no boom, you know(?). I mean, there's nothing huge that sets fire to the whole thing and make you wonder "what's next??!!". For this reason, I don't consider this 'igniteless' evolution to be the best one ever.

Ending: 7.0

As the final episodes arrive, the anime becomes increasingly intense. Nadie and Ellis meet Lirio and Ricardo every episode to fight or kill someone (they're bounty hunters, after all) and that's something I totally liked ! L.A. dies for my astonihsment (I thought he would either live until the end or kill ricardo in that fight). The episode before the last is still unknown for me, like, seriously! Things happened in such a weird way that I'm not sure if I understood something. Even though I recongnize I'm extremely dumb, I strill think they ended it unclearly ! Anyway, the ending was the best part, considering the focus on the story and the tension between the episodes.

Average: 7.3

So, doing the math, the average rate is 6.9, but disconsidering its bad beggining the average got to 7.3 stars, pretty decent for this anime !

Final Comments:

I clearly pointed out many flaws of this anime and for me, the biggest one is the bad exploration of the story. For a long time, I developed no interest for El Cazador in the early episodes, but heading towards the tenth episode, it started getting interesting and very funny. After, I don't know, episodes 16 or 17, it got really exciting to watch because the story sort of funnels into a very fast evolution and, finally, its ending. What I was looking forward to seeing, after I found myself into the anime, were the cute and funny moments that Nadie and Ellis shared and I absolutely love the way they are haha ! Every episode was one more opportunity to laugh because the format chosen is an independent-episode style (one small sidestory that is concluded within the duration of a single episode). I can tell you all that, for me, this anime was completely worth it, even though it is far from perfection !

That's all I have to say about El Cazador de la Bruja, a slow but very enjoyable, funny and cute anime ! Hope you guys liked this review jus like I did! In case you have a any questions or want to say your opinion about it, agreeing or disagreeing with mine, feel free to say it in the comments section below ! Just remember, please, be nice with your words ! Gotta go, bye bye everyone !