Hello there ! So, today I'm bringing something a little different. I'll comment both the anime and the manga for ChäoS;HEAd, also comparing them to make it interesting ( I hope ). I've watched the anime a couple of years ago and I've recently read the manga. Anyway, I hope you like it !
Let's start with the most important thing, TAKUMI ! First of all, the difference between his appearence. In the manga he looks sooooo cuuuute !!! It made me very happy and it was indeed one reason for me to read the whole thing ( yes, he looked that cute ). On the other hand, even though in the anime he isn't that appealing, I absolutely love his style. He seems very disturbed, how he should actually look. The bags under his eyes are perfect details for me, too. So, overall, I like him in both versions, despite the divergences in appearence. Apart from that, there is no big change into any other of his characteristics, so no need to say it. Okay, so now I should talk about him, I think ( I'm dizy with this comparison + review format, sorry ). I love him, fuck. I don't like his personality at all, but what makes me love this sunofabeach so much is that he is completely disturbed. The guy is a nutjob ! It's just funny, you know. He is 95% of the anime and manga just walking around ( or locked at home ) disturbed and screaming like an idiot. Ah, I love that ! Whenever I think about ChäoS;HEAd, the thing that always comes first is Taku, so he is definitely a reference for this work. To finish my praising onto him, I'll say that his voice is absolutely the best ever ( for disturbed characters or the ones who like screaming ) !!!
Jumping to the other characters, they're not that special. Basically, they're all nuts too, not at Takumi's level, but still nuts. I'd say that the Phantasm singer is the coolest cause she is very random and she is crazy in a very unique way, comparing to the others. The characters don't differ much from the manga to the anime, except for Kozu-pii, who is shy as hell in the anime and a psychopath who loves some bloodbath in the manga. Apart from Taku, the characters aren't any interesting for the anime/manga.
Now, the story. Let's start with the phases and then the overall, ok ? The beggining is pretty decent, actually. It is shocking that it already starts with a death, a great thing to draw your attention to it. The evaluation is also decent, the story gets a little bit better explained, Taku gets crazier and crazier and an apex is almost reached. The bigger difference of the manga is that it is a little bit freer, I think. Mainly, because they cut ****... (spoiler omitted). Also, in the manga they explore a lot more of Taku's relation with Rimi.
The ending deserves a paragraph apart. Or not, but I'll do it anyway. Just when it seems that the apex is going to be awesome, they fail. In the anime, the final battle is nothing special at all and also they end with what seemed like a forced date between Taku and Rimi. As I said, in the anime they don't develop that great affection, so for me it was really bad. In the manga, I was expecting a lot more. For me, the story was a little better in the manga, so I thought that this small difference would continue to the end. Instead, they managed to make it even worse than they did the anime. The fucking battle is not a battle at all. It's just some images of Taku regenerating and then, when they're supposed to have a fight, it simply cuts to another scene and the battle is over. wtf, seriously. I admit I had high expectations when I watched the anime, I had many ideas of what could happen but they delivered a very bad and disappointing ending, in the anime and in the manga as well. I wanted to play the game version of the series, but after reading the manga, I'm not that sure. I wouldn't like to go through the same bad thing three times :/ .
I think that this is the time for the final comments ? idk these style still confuses me. Whatever. Hmm, I do think that ChäoS;HEAd story is great. I love the atmosphere of ilusion, the paranoia and the way everything seems to be conspiring against Takumi. It's a very good idea, but it was badly explored. Also, the ending is a critical point. Although a decent ending wouldn't make up for all of the rest, it would make it at least a little bit better. So, just to finish it up, why not mention the song themes for the anime ?! I know this review is very disorganized, but gimme a break this time, please ! c: Anyway, the opening is pretty cool ( even though I didn't quite care for it when I was watching it at first ) and the ending ... ah, the ending. It was the best thing of the anime after Taku, of course ! I love the song, but its my duty to mention that it does not fit that well to the anime gender, haha. It's a pleasuring surprise.
Now that I've said all these things, I shall take my leave. Thank you for the attention and see you next time ! Adieu !
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