Hello ! Today I'm reviewing Boogiepop Phantom ! Let's go !
Story: 4.5
First of all, the anime is completely NUTS. In my point of view, that's actually very positive. Also, the episodes explore the mind of characters whose personalities are rather unique (like a stalker, a guy that wants to destroy everything useless (takumi's voice <3 a="" are="" b="" boy="" breasts="" bugs="" course="" eating="" er...="" he="" just="" likes="" located="" nbsp="" of="" on="" s="" style="background: rgb(255, 255, 255); border: 0px; color: #222222; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; line-height: 18.98px; margin: 0px; outline: 0px; padding: 0px; vertical-align: baseline;" that="" the="" top="" wants="" women="">( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 3>) and so on and so forth). I like seeing things from different points of view and I love watching unusual (or demented, if you prefer) profiles, emotions and thoughts, so that's why I liked it. I admit that these stange things made me get excited about this anime, and I believed it would be a great one. It wasn't, though. Unfortunately. I saw its potential, but it wasn't explored properly. In my opinion, it would be almost perfect if they made a connection between all the incidents that was clear and clever. Something unexpected, you know what I mean? Like a huge net between all these crazy side-stories that would make me be a monkey's uncle, but ... instead, they just chose to keep being non-sense until the very end. That was the biggest flaw. I don't give a damn about the randomness of this anime, but they HAD to give it an answer that was concise, at least. Anyways, I admit that I liked the story a little. It is definitely an original work, but tt just lacks so much a cohesion. This absence would make an insane anime, but instead it became bad. :/
Characters: 5.0
They ARE unique. Yet, the only character that I'd consider a main one is Kirima Nagi, who is sorta cool but isn't that much present in the anime. The Boogiepop Phantom also shows up a little more than the others, so I can consider her a main character too, but is still so little time ! I wanted to have watched more of her and Nagi, idk. The others are basically secondary so, even though they can be interesting, they take like one or two episodes and then disappear. I think that, for this reason, their relativeness became less then it should or could be, even though they are decent.
Song Themes: 7.5
I love the opening theme ! It's so calm and grrovy and just makes you feel completely comfortable. It may have been the thing I looked forward too most from every episode haha ! The ending is kinda good. It's weird, but it seems like it has the same style of the anime, something dark and disturbing. I am sure this is the best grade this anime will get, which is something bad, I must say.
Design: 6.0
We're talking about an anime from 2000. I don't think it's fair to say it's bad considering its age. The characters aren't that pretty (actually, some are very ugly xD) but still, there was nothing in the anime that was bad because of the desing, so I can say it's a decent one.
Beggining: 5.5
It starts with a small intro, which is good, even though it doesn't make clear what is actually going on (and I still don't know that, so we're fine). Since each episode has basically an independent story, it is not an anime that needs an order that much. Also, for this reason, Boogiepop Phantom doesn't rely too much on the whole story, but rather on each chapter. The starting episodes are kinda interesting, but still, the connection between them could be a little bit bigger.
Evolution: 6.5
As mentioned before, the lack of order sort of eliminates the need to make an evolution. Nevertheless, it does start developing the story and it caught my attention. They were getting closer and closer to a climax. This was probably the best moment of the anime, where things were sort of connecting. Also, something I liked was that the later episodes had some 'answers' for things that happened on previous ones, that was cool.
Ending: 2.0
Yeah, a very bad ending. I already said it, but I'll repeat it. They had to make a great, smart and concrete reason that would explain everything and astonish everyone. Instead, they kept the abstract style of the anime, which dissapointed me heavily. I was expecting a lot from the ending, but it failed me :/ . I think the ending was sort of very random and didn't explain things properly, but what lowered the grade was my deception. I was really looking forward to it and it was nothing special.
Average: 3.5
The actual averages were:
All aspects average: 5.3
Average without Design and Song Themes: 4.7
For me, though, the ending was a key factor to Boogiepop Phantom. I was very disappointed with it. So, considering the fact that the ending is probably the aspect I care most about an anime, I had to decrease it to a grade that I actually feel like it should have. I would totally give at least an 8, maybe a 9 (or even more) if the final part was conclusive and concrete, I'd say. but unfortunately they kept the nonsense that the whole anime had to explain it, which was something I disliked a lot.
Final Comments:
I feel absolutely sad to say I didn't like the anime after all. I was so hyped with its style, but, yet again, I missed an ending that would be sensate and clever, something that would blow me mind. I'm afraid I can't say I enjoyed Boogiepop Phantom that much, even though I would love to be able to say such thing. But things like this happen, Also, this is just my opinion on it. You may like it more than I did or dislike it much more than me. Final words: it did disappoint me, but I still liked the style; I loved the originality it has and the focus on disturbed minds, the only problem was a bad reason for all the events, but it's fine ! I'll call it a little worth it !
This is my review on Boogiepop Phantom. I think it was the first 'badly' rated review, but there will be more of these soon ! I don't know if that's good or not, tho :/. I hope I didn't offend anyone with this and hope to see you next time ! For now, I have to go, so bye !